
As a member of Coral Antiphona

  • XXXVII Certamen Internacional de Masas Corales / Tolosa, Spain 2005.
  • XXIV Festival-Certamen Internacional de Música de Cantonigròs / Cantonigròs, Spain. 2006. [First Prize in the Mixed Choirs Category & First Prize in the Popular Music Category].
  • LII Certamen Internacional de Habaneras y Polifonía / Torrevieja, Spain 2006. [Third Prize in Habaneras Category & "Francisco Vallejos" Prize, for the best interpretation of a popular habanera].
  • LV Concorso Polifonico Internazionale Guido d'Arezzo / Arezzo, Italy 2007. [Third Prize in the Polyphony Category].
  • XXXVII Florilège Vocal de Tours / Tours, France 2008.
  • XXXI Международен майски хоров конкурс "Проф. Г. Димитров" (International May Choir Competition Prof. G. Dimitrov) / Varna, Bulgaria 2009. [First Prize in Chamber Choirs Category].
  • XXIV Bartók Béla Nemzetközi Kórusverseny (Béla Bartók International Choir Competition) / Debrecen, Hungary 2010. [Third Prize in Chamber Choirs Category].

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